板球明星 Yuvraj Singh、JP Duminy 和 Upul Tharanga 加入印度的国际大师联赛。 Cricket stars Yuvraj Singh, JP Duminy, and Upul Tharanga join the International Masters League in India.
板球传奇人物 Yuvraj Singh、JP Duminy 和 Upul Tharanga 将分别代表印度、南非和斯里兰卡参加 2 月 22 日至 3 月 16 日举行的首届国际大师联赛 (IML)。 Cricket legends Yuvraj Singh, JP Duminy, and Upul Tharanga will represent India, South Africa, and Sri Lanka, respectively, in the first International Masters League (IML) from February 22 to March 16. IML 在新孟买、拉杰果德和赖布尔举行了激烈的比赛,庆祝板球的黄金时代。 The IML celebrates cricket's golden era with high-octane matches in Navi Mumbai, Rajkot, and Raipur. Yuvraj 是印度 T20 世界杯胜利的关键人物,他很高兴能与其他板球巨星并肩作战。 Yuvraj, a key figure in India's T20 World Cup victories, is excited to play alongside other cricket greats.