Brenda Blethyn确认她没有退休 正在拍一部新电影 而Vera的演员却取得了不同程度的成功 Brenda Blethyn confirms she's not retiring and is working on a new movie, while Vera's cast finds varied success.
Brenda Blethyn, 罪案系列的明星Vera, 证实她没有退休, 正在制作一部新电影。 Brenda Blethyn, star of the crime series Vera, confirms she is not retiring and is working on a new movie. 其他演员也取得了成功:肯尼·道蒂 (Kenny Doughty) 出演了《互惠生》(The Au Pair),乔·阿布索洛姆 (Joe Absolom) 出演了 Netflix 的《逃跑》(Run Away),朱迪·科默 (Jodie Comer) 出演了丹尼·博伊尔 (Danny Boyle) 的《28 Years Later》。 Fellow cast members have also found success: Kenny Doughty stars in "The Au Pair," Joe Absolom in Netflix's "Run Away," and Jodie Comer in Danny Boyle's "28 Years Later." 大卫·里昂在《Barbie》和《秘密入侵》等主要电影中出现。 David Leon has appeared in major films like "Barbie" and "Secret Invasion." 可悲的是,在维拉扮演角色的保罗·里特2021年去世。 Tragically, Paul Ritter, who played a role in Vera, passed away in 2021.