孟加拉国的Amar Ekushey图书博览会开幕, 向七月反抗专制政权的起义致敬。 Bangladesh's Amar Ekushey Book Fair opens, honoring the July Uprising against an autocratic regime.
2025年2月1日孟加拉国的Amar Ekushey书展开幕, 庆祝文学, 纪念导致专制政权倒台的七月起义。 The Amar Ekushey Book Fair in Bangladesh opened on February 1, 2025, celebrating literature and honoring the July Uprising that led to the fall of an autocratic regime. 首席顾问Muhammad Yunus强调,国际母语日Amar Ekushey的精神激励了这场起义。 Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus emphasized how the spirit of Amar Ekushey, International Mother Language Day, inspired the uprising. 该博览会为期一个月,包括一个“七月角”,展示有关该运动的文学和叙述。 The fair, which runs for a month, includes a "July Corner" with literature and narratives about the movement. 活动旨在建立「新孟加拉国」及特色研讨会、文化计划及儿童比赛。 The event aims to build a 'New Bangladesh' and features seminars, cultural programs, and children's competitions.