大卫·杰森的演员 以"愚人和马"闻名 因臀部外科推迟了大会 Actor David Jason, known for "Only Fools and Horses," postpones convention due to hip surgery.
大卫·杰森爵士,以在《愚人和马》中扮演Del Boy的著名角色而闻名,由于臀部外科手术,推迟了一次大会。 Sir David Jason, famous for playing Del Boy in "Only Fools and Horses," postponed a convention due to hip surgery. 他带着拐杖在Facebook上嘲笑他的康复。 Emerging with crutches, he joked about his recovery on Facebook. 公约现定为1月13日和14日。 The convention is now set for January 13th and 14th. 杰森面临着个人的挑战, 包括失去他的伴侣和共同明星, 并且最近发现他有一个52岁的女儿, 他不知道存在。 Jason has faced personal challenges, including the loss of his partner and co-star, and recently discovered he has a 52-year-old daughter he didn't know existed.