开拓者队不败的男子篮球队将于 2 月 10 日在一场关键对决中迎战 J.J. Duggan 学院。 Pioneer's undefeated boys basketball team faces J.J. Duggan Academy on Feb. 10 in a key matchup.
排名第一的开拓者男子篮球队以 17-0 的不败战绩,将于 2 月 10 日迎战 J.J. Duggan Academy 的 15-0 不败球队。 The top-ranked Pioneer boys basketball team, undefeated with a 17-0 record, will face J.J. Duggan Academy's undefeated 15-0 team on February 10th. 在教练斯科特·塞耶 (Scott Thayer) 的带领下,他在 20+ 年的职业生涯中取得了 300 多场胜利,开拓者的球队拥有强大的防守和紧密的化学反应,从 4 年级开始就一起打球。 Led by coach Scott Thayer, who has over 300 wins in his 20+ year career, Pioneer's team has a strong defense and tight-knit chemistry, having played together since 4th grade. 社区大力支持该团队,旨在争取州冠军。 The community strongly supports the team, aiming for a state championship.