新的研究在15年内发现湿地的碳捕获峰值,但它们对于气候和水管理仍然至关重要。 New study finds wetlands' carbon capture peaks within 15 years, yet they remain vital for climate and water management.
一项关于湿地的新研究表明,虽然它们最初捕获了大量碳,但它们的碳捕获能力随着其衰老而下降。 A new study on wetlands shows that while they initially capture a lot of carbon, their carbon-capturing ability decreases as they age. 大约15年后,研究中没有任何湿地显示出碳的净增减。 After about 15 years, neither of the wetlands in the study showed a net gain or loss in carbon. 尽管如此,湿地的碳捕获量仍然超过许多其他生态系统,突出表明其对水质、洪水控制和气候缓解努力的重要性。 Despite this, wetlands still capture more carbon than many other ecosystems, highlighting their importance for water quality, flood control, and climate mitigation efforts.