新的脊髓刺激器帮助麻痹的妇女恢复手动,很快在港景市提供。 New spinal cord stimulator helps paralyzed woman regain hand movement, soon available at Harborview.
经林业发展局批准的一个新的脊髓刺激器帮助Jessie Owen瘫痪了12年,恢复了重要的手动能力,使她能够从事诸如系鞋和开瓶罐等工作。 A new FDA-approved spinal cord stimulator has helped Jessie Owen, paralyzed for 12 years, regain significant hand movement, enabling her to perform tasks like tying shoes and opening jars. 该装置将电流发送到受损的脊髓带区域,促进行动恢复。 The device sends electrical currents to the damaged spinal cord area, promoting movement recovery. 它不久将在港景医疗中心为脊椎损伤超过一年的人提供。 It will soon be available at Harborview Medical Center for individuals with spinal injuries over a year old.