大批的树撞进爱尔兰人家里 留下一对没有受伤的夫妇 但"非常幸运" Massive tree crashes into Irish home, leaving couple unharmed but "massively lucky."
有一棵48吨长的树坠毁在爱尔兰的一所房屋里, 里面的一对夫妇几乎失踪了, 他们现在被形容为"活着真幸运"。 A 48-tonne tree crashed into a home in Ireland, narrowly missing a couple inside who are now described as "massively lucky to be alive." 这一事件突显了居民区树木老化的危险以及定期维护和检查的重要性。 The incident highlights the dangers of aging trees in residential areas and the importance of regular maintenance and inspections. 紧急服务迅速作出反应,虽然住宅受到严重破坏,但夫妇没有受伤就逃了出来。 Emergency services responded quickly, and while the home suffered significant damage, the couple escaped without injury.