男子闯入妇女家,攻击她,但被打退;附近有嫌疑人被捕。 Man breaks into woman's home, attacks her, but is fought off; suspect arrested nearby.
一名蒙面男子闯入一名女子的卧室 在康涅狄格州的Redding, 周五凌晨。 A masked man broke into a woman's bedroom in Redding, Connecticut, early Friday morning. 她设法击退了他,警察在附近发现了他的废弃汽车。 She managed to fight him off, and police found his abandoned car nearby. 嫌犯29岁的Troi Barnes来自Ansonia, 不久后被捕, 被控入室入侵、性攻击未遂及其他罪行。 The suspect, 29-year-old Troi Barnes from Ansonia, was arrested shortly after and charged with home invasion, attempted sexual assault, and other offenses. 巴恩斯持有100万美元的债券 并将面对法庭 Barnes is held on a $1 million bond and will face court. 警方说这起事件是孤立的 没有威胁公众 Police say the incident is isolated with no threat to the public.