男子因据称通过假保险索赔获得价值50 000多美元的iPhone而被捕。 Man arrested for allegedly obtaining over $50,000 worth of iPhones through fake insurance claims.
一名37岁的Milford男子,Esmaylin Delacruz,据称因计划通过提交虚假保险索赔获得新的iPhone而被捕。 A 37-year-old Milford man, Esmaylin Delacruz, was arrested for allegedly running a scheme to obtain new iPhones by filing fake insurance claims. 州警察发现他持有的多件iPhone,价值至少5万美元,这是以欺诈手段获取的。 State police found multiple iPhones in his possession, valued at least $50,000, which were obtained fraudulently. Delacruz被指控利用人向不同的承运人开立账户,提出虚假索赔。 Delacruz is accused of using people to open accounts with different carriers to file fake claims. 他面临包括盗窃和保险欺诈在内的指控,并被扣留75,000美元的保证金。 He faces charges including larceny and insurance fraud and was held on a $75,000 bond.