印第安纳州总检察长Todd Rokita在2023年的训斥后,因据称不诚实而面临新的纪律指控。 Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita faces new disciplinary charges for alleged dishonesty, following a 2023 reprimand.
印第安纳州总检察长Todd Rokita因据称在一份新闻稿中与他先前承认的不当行为相矛盾而面临新的纪律指控。 Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita faces new disciplinary charges for allegedly contradicting his earlier admission of misconduct in a press release. 在2023年受到公开训斥和250美元的罚款后,Rokita现在被指控向法庭撒谎和从事不诚实行为。 After receiving a public reprimand and a $250 fine in 2023, Rokita is now accused of lying to the court and engaging in dishonest behavior. 印第安纳最高法院纪律委员会将决定这些指控是否有效,并可能导致进一步制裁,包括停职或取消资格。 The Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission will decide if these charges are valid and could result in further sanctions, including suspension or disbarment.