印度计划通过改造《印度邮报》和增加15万个农村邮局来刺激农村经济。 India plans to boost rural economy by transforming India Post and adding 150,000 rural post offices.
印度财政部长Nirmala Sitharaman宣布计划将《印度邮报》转变为一个重要的公共物流组织, India's Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced plans to transform India Post into a major public logistics organization by establishing 1.5 lakh rural post offices to boost the rural economy. 预算还包括采取措施,增加中小微企业获得信贷的机会,在阿萨姆建立一个尿素工厂,并增加投资和营业限额。 The budget also includes measures to enhance credit access for MSMEs, set up a urea plant in Assam, and increase investment and turnover limits. 这些倡议旨在支持莫迪总理领导下的经济增长和农村赋权。 These initiatives aim to support economic growth and rural empowerment under Prime Minister Modi's leadership.