八名纳萨尔人与印度安全部队在查蒂斯加尔的森林发生冲突时丧生。 Eight Naxalites were killed in a clash with Indian security forces in Chhattisgarh's forests.
8名纳萨尔人于星期六在恰蒂斯加尔的比贾普尔区与安全部队发生冲突时丧生。 Eight Naxalites were killed in a clash with security forces in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district on Saturday. 上午8时30分左右在Gangaloor警察局附近的森林地区发生枪战。 The gunfight occurred around 8:30 am in a forest area near Gangaloor police station. 行动涉及地区后备警卫队、特别工作队、中央后备警察部队及其精锐部队科布拉,根据有关毛派存在的情报,于星期五发起。 The operation involved the District Reserve Guard, Special Task Force, Central Reserve Police Force, and its elite unit CoBRA, and was launched on Friday based on intelligence about Maoist presence. 搜索行动仍在进行中。 The search operation is still ongoing.