大卫·柯南伯格 (David Cronenberg) 的新恐怖片《裹尸布》(The Shrouds) 将于 4 月 18 日首映,由文森特·卡塞尔 (Vincent Cassel) 主演。 David Cronenberg's new horror film "The Shrouds" debuts on April 18, starring Vincent Cassel.
戴维·克罗伦伯格的新恐怖电影"圣面布",主演文森特·卡塞尔,将于2025年4月18日在纽约和洛杉矶首映, David Cronenberg's new horror film "The Shrouds," starring Vincent Cassel, will debut in New York and Los Angeles on April 18, 2025, before a nationwide release on April 25. 电影跟随一位悲哀的商人,他发明了技术来监视其已故妻子的尸体。 The movie follows a grieving businessman who invents technology to monitor his deceased wife's body. 以《苍蝇》(The Fly)和《录像机》(Videodrome)等电影而闻名的柯南伯格(Cronenberg)以自己的损失为灵感,通过这个个人故事重返恐怖片类型。 Cronenberg, known for films like "The Fly" and "Videodrome," returns to the horror genre with this personal story inspired by his own loss. 这部电影获得了积极的评论,在腐烂的番茄上获得了73%的评分. The film has received positive reviews and a 73% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.