丹・史蒂文斯可能会在 2027年3月的 下一次"哥斯拉对香港"续集中 以Trapper的身份返回 Dan Stevens may return as Trapper in the next "Godzilla vs. Kong" sequel, set for March 2027.
丹·史蒂文斯 (Dan Stevens) 正在谈判在即将上映的续集中重新扮演捕手 (Trapper) 的角色,这是《哥斯拉 x 金刚:新帝国》中一个受欢迎的人类角色。 Dan Stevens is in talks to reprise his role as Trapper, a popular human character from "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire," in the upcoming sequel. 这部电影定于2027年3月26日上映,将会有新的人类角色和标志性的巨人,戈兹拉和康格,因为他们面临着世界末日的威胁. The film, scheduled for March 26, 2027, will feature new human characters and the iconic Titans, Godzilla and Kong, as they face a world-ending threat. Monsterverse 特许经营权始于 2014 年的《哥斯拉》,在全球获得了超过 25 亿美元的收入。 The Monsterverse franchise, which began in 2014 with "Godzilla," has earned over $2.5 billion worldwide.