女演员Claire Sweeney在她的葬礼上,向她已故的朋友、拖拉艺术家维维安致敬,强调与Ian Watkins的30年关系。 Actress Claire Sweeney honored her late friend, drag artist The Vivienne, at his funeral, highlighting a 30-year bond with Ian Watkins.
女演员克莱尔·斯威尼 (Claire Sweeney) 在参加了他们共同的朋友、变装艺术家 The Vivienne 的葬礼后,在 Instagram 上分享了照片,以纪念她与 90 年代流行歌星 Ian 'H' Watkins 的 30 年友谊。 Actress Claire Sweeney honored her 30-year friendship with 90s pop star Ian 'H' Watkins by sharing photos on Instagram after attending the funeral of their mutual friend, drag artist The Vivienne. 该帖子突出了他们持久的纽带,并获得了粉丝和名人的赞扬。 The post highlighted their enduring bond and received praise from fans and celebrities. 维维恩,也被称为詹姆斯·李·威廉姆斯,是鲁保尔的Drag Race英国的赢家,并参加了冰上舞蹈. The Vivienne, also known as James Lee Williams, was a winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK and had participated in Dancing On Ice.