威斯康星州 DNR 在 3 月 2 日之前就 Rib Mountain 州立公园的新步道计划征求公众意见。 Wisconsin DNR seeks public input on new trail plan for Rib Mountain State Park until March 2.
威斯康星州的民生局正在寻求公众对Rib Mountain国家公园的新步道概念计划的意见, The Wisconsin DNR is seeking public input on a new trail concept plan for Rib Mountain State Park until March 2, 2025. 该计划包括新的共用小道、改进徒步小道、扩大滑雪区和重新调整的雪车小道。 The plan includes new shared-use trails, improved hiking trails, expanded ski areas, and realigned snowmobile trails. 计划于2月13日在北中技术学院举行一次公开会议,详情可在公园网站或公园办公室查阅。 A public meeting is scheduled for February 13 at Northcentral Technical College, and details are available on the park's website or at the park office.