Walgreens 在财务困境中 92 年来首次暂停派发季度股息。 Walgreens suspends its quarterly dividend for the first time in 92 years amid financial struggles.
Walgreens在92年中首次中止季度红利,这是为改善其财政健康而作的转变努力的一部分。 Walgreens has suspended its quarterly dividend for the first time in 92 years, as part of a turnaround effort to improve its financial health. 这一行动是继最近财政压力,包括司法部的一项诉讼和计划关闭1 200多家商店之后采取的。 This move follows recent financial pressures, including a lawsuit from the Department of Justice and plans to close over 1,200 stores. 该公司还正在执行一项10亿美元的削减成本方案,以加强其资产负债表和促进增长。 The company is also implementing a $1 billion cost-cutting program to strengthen its balance sheet and boost growth.