美国商人Gentry Beach在多个部门探索对孟加拉国的重大投资。 US businessman Gentry Beach explores major investments in Bangladesh across multiple sectors.
美国商人Gentry Beach、高地控股公司首席执行官表示有兴趣在孟加拉国增加能源、金融、房地产、航空航天和国防等不同部门的投资。 US businessman Gentry Beach, CEO of Highground Holdings, expressed interest in increasing investment in Bangladesh across various sectors including energy, finance, real estate, aerospace, and defense. 海滩会晤了首席顾问Muhammad Yunus教授,他欢迎投资,并强调了吸引外国直接投资的改革。 Beach met with Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus, who welcomed the investment and highlighted reforms to attract foreign direct investment. 代表团还在评估天然气和矿物勘探机会。 The delegation is also evaluating opportunities in gas and mineral exploration.