印度最高法院禁止在古吉拉特一个被拆毁的场所进行宗教活动,理由是未经许可建筑。 Supreme Court of India bans religious activities at a demolished site in Gujarat, citing unauthorized construction.
印度最高法院拒绝批准在古吉拉特Gir Somnath区的一座被拆毁的达尔加举行穆斯林乌尔斯节。 The Supreme Court of India has denied permission to hold the Muslim festival of Urs at a demolished dargah in Gujarat's Gir Somnath district. 法院驳回了这一请求,指出政府土地上所有未经授权的建筑,包括寺庙,都被拆毁。 The court rejected the plea, noting that all unauthorized constructions, including temples, on government land were demolished. 法院指出,在审理针对古吉拉特当局的主要藐视法庭案之前,不允许在该地点进行任何宗教活动。 The court stated that no religious activities would be permitted on the site until the main contempt case against Gujarat authorities is heard.