研究发现人耳肌在集中注意听时会动, 可能表明努力。 Study finds human ear muscles move when focusing on listening, possibly indicating effort.
萨尔兰大学的一项研究发现, 当我们专注于听声时, 耳部肌肉仍然活跃, A study from Saarland University found that humans still have active auricular muscles that move slightly when we focus on listening, especially in challenging sound environments. 这些肌肉,曾经用来移动耳朵, 现在是残余的,但可能表明 倾听的努力。 These muscles, once used to move ears, are now vestigial but may indicate listening effort. 研究表明,这些肌肉活动可以提供一种客观的方法,衡量我们听取意见的难度,尽管需要开展更多的研究,以了解其实际应用。 The study suggests these muscle activities could offer an objective way to measure how hard we are listening, though more research is needed to understand their practical applications.