从2月10日开始, Gurugram将扣押90天以上的未支付交通罚款的车辆。 Starting Feb 10, Gurugram will impound vehicles with unpaid traffic fines over 90 days old.
在发出罚款通知90天后,Gurugram交通警察将开始扣押未缴纳交通罚款的车辆。 Gurugram Traffic Police will start impounding vehicles with unpaid traffic fines 90 days after the issuance of a fine notice. 这一举措旨在鼓励支付交通罚款,减少积压的未支付罚款和法庭案件。 This initiative aims to encourage the payment of traffic fines and reduce the backlog of unpaid penalties and court cases. 警方已将2025年2月10日定为清理所有未清罚款的最后期限,以避免车辆被扣押。 The police have set February 10, 2025, as the deadline for clearing all outstanding fines to avoid vehicle impoundment.