警方在Paxtang墓地附近发现61岁男子在汽车中被刺死疑犯。 Police seek suspect in stabbing death of 61-year-old man found in car near Paxtang Cemetery.
Swatara镇警察周二在和平会墓地附近发现61岁的Jorge Morales在汽车中被刺死后正在寻找一名嫌疑人。 Swatara Township Police are searching for a suspect after 61-year-old Jorge Morales was found stabbed to death in his car near Paxtang Cemetery on Tuesday. 监控录像显示,Morales与另一人抵达现场,此人现在是调查的焦点。 Surveillance footage showed Morales arriving at the location with another individual, who is now the focus of the investigation. 警方公布嫌疑人的图像,并悬赏2 000美元,以获取导致他被捕的信息。 Police released an image of the suspect and are offering a $2,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. 事件发生在1月27日, 第二天早晨Morales被发现死亡。 The incident occurred on January 27, with Morales found dead the following morning.