请愿者要求德里法院推迟“2020年德里”影片发行, Petitioners ask Delhi court to delay "2020 Delhi" film release, citing risk of legal prejudice.
Sharjeel Imam和其他人已经向德里高等法院请愿,要求推迟电影《2020年德里》的发行,这部电影以2020年德里东北部骚乱为基础,定于2月2日出版。 Sharjeel Imam and others have petitioned the Delhi High Court to postpone the release of the film "2020 Delhi," which is based on the 2020 northeast Delhi riots, scheduled for February 2. 他们争辩说,这部影片的宣传材料歪曲了事件,并可能损害正在进行的法律程序。 They argue the film's promotional materials misrepresent the events and could prejudice ongoing legal proceedings. 法院已请中心和电影认证委员会作出答复。 The court has asked the Centre and film certification board to respond.