新的计划是取消碳税,促进绿色奖励措施,而不是与排放作斗争。 New plan to scrap carbon tax and promote green incentives instead to fight emissions.
Stephen Carney将宣布一项计划, 取消目前由特鲁多政府执行的消费者碳定价政策。 Stephen Carney is set to announce a plan that will eliminate the current consumer carbon pricing policy, originally implemented by the Trudeau government. 相反,重点将转向促进减少碳排放的绿色激励机制。 Instead, the focus will shift towards promoting green incentives to reduce carbon emissions. 这一变化旨在提供鼓励环境可持续性而不直接对消费者征税的替代方案。 This change aims to offer alternatives that encourage environmental sustainability without directly taxing consumers.