Netflix揭幕了2025年的阵列, 以第3季为主,新电影和与Lena Dunham的交易。 Netflix unveils 2025 lineup featuring "Squid Game" season 3, new films, and a deal with Lena Dunham.
Netflix于6月27日宣布2025年排队, 包括6月27日“Squid game”赛季3、6月5日“Ginny & Georgia”赛季3、11月Guillermo del Toro的“Frankenstein”。 Netflix announced its 2025 lineup, including "Squid Game" season 3 on June 27, "Ginny & Georgia" season 3 on June 5, and Guillermo del Toro's "Frankenstein" in November. 流传服务还展示了新电影,如《醒来的死人:一个神秘的刀子》、Ben Affleck和Matt Damon主演的“RIP”,以及Charlize Theron的《旧卫兵》续集。 The streaming service also revealed new films like "Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery," "RIP" starring Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, and a sequel to "The Old Guard" with Charlize Theron. 此外,Netflix与Lena Dunham就未来项目签订了一项第一眼交易。 Additionally, Netflix signed a first-look deal with Lena Dunham for future projects.