明尼阿波利斯计划对非值班警察收取费用,同时面临对费用和影响的担忧。 Minneapolis plans to charge fees for off-duty police, facing concerns over cost and impact.
明尼阿波利斯市议会一致批准了一项计划,对非执勤警察服务收费,以帮助支付与城市设备和责任有关的费用。 The Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a plan to charge fees for off-duty police services to help cover costs related to city equipment and liability. 该理事会将于今年春天收到一份报告,目的是在2026年落实收费。 The council will receive a report this spring and aims to implement the fees in 2026. 一些理事会成员和批评者担心成本不断上涨可能会使事件负担不起,并对警察疲劳和问责产生影响。 Some council members and critics are concerned about rising costs potentially making events unaffordable and the impact on police fatigue and accountability.