墨西哥外交部长对关于伊斯兰教的推特及关于乔治·弗洛伊德的评论表示强烈反对。 Mexican foreign minister faces backlash for tweets on Islam and comments on George Floyd.
墨西哥外交部长卡拉·索菲亚·加斯孔(Karla Sofía Gascón)在对伊斯兰教的推特和对乔治·弗洛伊德之死的评论引发争议后, Mexican foreign minister Karla Sofía Gascón has faced backlash after her tweets about Islam and comments regarding George Floyd's death sparked controversy. Gascón的言论被批评为麻木不仁和分裂, 导致社群媒体上广泛谴责。 Gascón's remarks have been criticized for being insensitive and divisive, leading to widespread condemnation on social media. 这些事件引起人们对外交行为和在公职中使用个人社交媒体的影响的关切。 The incidents have raised concerns about diplomatic conduct and the impact of personal social media use in public office.