从2026年开始,印第安纳可恢复A-F学校的分级,重点是识字和技能。 Indiana may reinstate A-F school grading, focusing on literacy and skills, starting in 2026.
印第安纳州正在考虑恢复2018年以来暂停的A-F学校分级制度,众议院第1498号法案一致通过了众议院教育委员会。 Indiana is considering bringing back the A-F school grading system, suspended since 2018, with House Bill 1498 unanimously passing the House Education Committee. 如果获得批准,州教育委员会将在 2025 年底之前创建一个新的评分框架,重点关注以学生为中心的成果,如识字率和技能发展,并将从 2026-27 学年开始分配成绩。 If approved, the State Board of Education will create a new grading framework by the end of 2025, focusing on student-centered outcomes like literacy rates and skill development, and will assign grades starting in the 2026-27 academic year. 该法案现提交全议院进一步审查。 The bill now moves to the full House for further review.