印度担心马尔代夫与中国和土耳其的交易可能会损害其影响力和财政援助。 India worries Maldives' deals with China and Turkey may hurt its influence and financial aid.
印度对马尔代夫最近的经济协定,特别是与中国的自由贸易协议表示关切,担心它可能导致收入损失并影响印度对岛国的财政援助。 India has expressed concern over the Maldives' recent economic agreements, especially the free trade deal with China, fearing it could lead to revenue loss and affect India's financial aid to the island nation. 面临经济挑战的马尔代夫也与土耳其签署了协定。 The Maldives, facing economic challenges, has also signed agreements with Turkey. 印度寻求保护其在该区域的影响力,并确保马尔代夫的长期财政稳定。 India seeks to protect its influence in the region and ensure the long-term fiscal stability of the Maldives.