伊利诺伊州州长禁止雇用 国会暴动者为州政府工作, 压倒特朗普的赦免。 Illinois governor bans hiring Capitol rioters for state jobs, overriding Trump's pardons.
伊利诺伊州州长JB Pritzker禁止雇佣参与2021年1月6日国会大暴乱的人,尽管特朗普总统已经赦免了他们. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has banned hiring individuals involved in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot for state jobs, despite President Trump's pardons. Pritzker指示中央管理事务司执行这项指令,指出参与者的行动是“臭名昭著和可耻的”。 Pritzker instructed the Department of Central Management Services to enforce this directive, citing the participants' actions as "infamous and disgraceful." 此举标志着对特朗普在总统大选后使用赦免措施的极大回击,并可能面临法律挑战。 This move marks a significant pushback against Trump's post-presidential use of pardons and could face legal challenges.