《金融时报》突显了中国在AI方面的领先地位,而尼日利亚则在日本的成功激励下推行了价值观宪章。 Financial Times highlights China's AI lead, while Nigeria pushes a values charter inspired by Japan's success.
《金融时报》警告西方中国在AI方面的领先地位, Financial Times warns the West about China's lead in AI, noting DeepSeek's emergence. 日本的Kaizen哲学强调不断改进,推动了其技术进步。 Japan's Kaizen philosophy, emphasizing continuous improvement, has driven its technological advancements. 尼日利亚国家定向机构正在推动《国家价值观宪章》,通过卓越、荣誉和诚信等价值观促进进步,以效仿日本和中国等国家的成功。 Nigeria's National Orientation Agency is promoting a National Values Charter to foster progress through values like excellence, honor, and integrity, aiming to emulate the success of countries like Japan and China.