德里法院裁定Saregama拥有在“Aghathiyaa”中所使用的歌曲权, Delhi court rules Saregama owns rights to song used in 'Aghathiyaa,' rejecting composer's claim.
德里高等法院裁定,Saregama India Limited拥有歌曲“En Iniya Pon Nilave”的版权。 The Delhi High Court has ruled that Saregama India Limited owns the copyright for the song "En Iniya Pon Nilave." 该公司可以从 Vels Film International 收取 300 万卢比的许可费,该公司在未经适当许可的情况下在电影“Aghathiyaa”中使用了这首歌。 The company can collect a Rs 30 lakh license fee from Vels Film International, which used the song in the film 'Aghathiyaa' without proper permission. 法院驳回了Ilaiyaraja关于转让权利的要求,指出Saregama的所有权来源于1980年与“Moodu Pani”制片人达成的一项协议。 The court rejected Ilaiyaraja's claim to assign rights, stating that Saregama's ownership stems from an agreement with the 'Moodu Pani' producer in 1980.