Ashley Medina在爱荷华州高速追逐后被捕;她面临指控,包括逃避警察和持有毒品。 Ashley Medina was arrested after a high-speed chase in Iowa; she faces charges including eluding police and drug possession.
Ashley Medina,41岁,在经过爱荷华州Woodbury县的高速追逐后,在试图阻截交通后被捕。 Ashley Medina, 41, was arrested after a high-speed chase through Woodbury County, Iowa, following an attempted traffic stop. Medina在20号公路和I-29号公路上逃逸,速度达到120英里以上,然后副手用断棍和PIT机动手段拦住她的车辆。 Medina fled on Highway 20 and I-29, reaching speeds over 120 mph before deputies used stop-sticks and a PIT maneuver to halt her vehicle. 当局查获了毒品和其他物品,她面临多项指控,包括逃避警察、持有甲基安非他明和超速。 Authorities seized narcotics and other items, and she faces multiple charges including eluding police, possession of methamphetamine, and speeding.