Telangana高等法院准许保释两名被控参与高调电话窃听案件的前警察官员。 Telangana High Court grants bail to two ex-police officials accused in high-profile phone tapping case.
Telangana高等法院准予前警官Bhujang Rao和Radhakrishna Rao保释,他们在电话窃听案中被指控。 The Telangana High Court granted bail to former police officials Bhujang Rao and Radhakrishna Rao, who were accused in a phone tapping case. 他们必须提供每人1万卢比的两笔保证金,交出护照,并与正在进行的调查合作。 They must provide two sureties of Rs 1 lakh each, surrender their passports, and cooperate with the ongoing investigation. 该案涉及对政治竞争对手、持不同政见者、商人、记者和法官进行监视的指控。 The case involves allegations of surveillance on political rivals, party dissidents, businessmen, journalists, and judges.