Teddy Swims的搭档Raiche Wright 在一个有趣的Instagram视频中揭露了她五个月的怀孕。 Teddy Swims' partner Raiche Wright reveals her five-month pregnancy in a playful Instagram video.
Raiche Wright, 歌手Teddy Swims的搭档, 在Instagram上分享了一段视频, 展示了这对夫妇在Shania Twain的演唱《你仍然是唯一的人》中, Raiche Wright, partner of singer Teddy Swims, shared a video on Instagram showing the couple's struggle to keep her pregnancy a secret during a performance of Shania Twain's "You're Still the One." Teddy在影片中看着Raiche的婴儿乳房, In the video, Teddy looks at Raiche's baby bump, prompting a playful side-eye from her. Raiche怀孕约五个月, 获提名为格拉姆奖最佳新艺术家的Teddy将在洛杉矶的颁奖仪式上演出, Raiche is about five months pregnant, and Teddy, nominated for Best New Artist at the Grammy Awards, will perform at the ceremony in Los Angeles, though it is unclear if Raiche will join him.