南卡罗来纳州州长亨利·麦克马斯特在任职2 927天后 成为州内任期最长的州长 South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster becomes the state's longest-serving governor after 2,927 days in office.
南卡罗来纳州州长亨利·麦克马斯特 成为州内任职时间最长的州长 执政2 927天 South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster has become the state's longest-serving governor, marking 2,927 days in office. 77岁的共和党(共和党)参政超过40年, 一直专注于提高教师薪资、减少商业条例及土地保护。 The 77-year-old Republican, who has been in politics for over 40 years, has focused on increasing teacher pay, reducing business regulations, and land conservation. 麦克马斯特因两党制方针而闻名,两次连选连任,并定于2027年1月完成其任期。 Known for his bipartisan approach, McMaster has been re-elected twice and is set to complete his term in January 2027.