在Mlolongo失踪的三名男子中,发现其中一人死亡;警察否认关押其他人。 One of three missing men from Mlolongo was found dead; police deny holding the others.
Mlolongo失踪的三名男子之一,Justus Mutumwa Musyimi被发现死亡,其家人已查明身份。 One of three missing men from Mlolongo, Justus Mutumwa Musyimi, has been found dead, identified by his family. 其余两人Karani Muema和Martin Mwau仍然失踪。 The other two, Karani Muema and Martin Mwau, remain missing. 警察总监Douglas Kanja和刑事调查主任Mohamed Amin出庭,否认这些男子被警方拘留。 The Inspector General of Police, Douglas Kanja, and the Director of Criminal Investigations, Mohamed Amin, appeared in court denying the men were in police custody. 正在调查绑架案,并计划进行尸体解剖,以确定Mutumwa的死亡原因。 The investigation into the abductions is ongoing, with an autopsy planned to determine the cause of Mutumwa's death.