新西兰的ACT党呼吁出售国有Pāmu农场, New Zealand's ACT Party calls for selling state-owned Pāmu farms, citing $26M loss and poor performance.
新西兰的ACT党正在推动出售国有的Pāmu农场,去年由于牲畜价格下跌、高利率和Gabrielle气旋费用,这些农场损失了2 600万美元。 New Zealand's ACT Party is pushing for the sale of state-owned Pāmu farms, which suffered a $26 million loss last year due to falling livestock prices, high interest rates, and Cyclone Gabrielle costs. ACT发言人Mark Cameron认为私人管理可能更有效, 但联邦农民主席Wayne Langford担心农场的高价值可能会阻碍私人买家。 ACT spokesman Mark Cameron argues that private management could be more effective, but Federated Farmers president Wayne Langford worries that the farms' high value may deter private buyers. Pāmu CEO Mark Leslie承认业绩不佳,但强调该实体对遗传学和减少甲烷的贡献。 Pāmu CEO Mark Leslie acknowledges underperformance but highlights the entity's contributions to genetics and methane reduction. 政府旨在改善国有企业的绩效,使纳税人受益。 The government aims to improve state-owned enterprises' performance to benefit taxpayers.