密苏里当局将透露关于 1960年代失踪的 谋杀Sharon Kinne的凶手的新细节 Missouri authorities to reveal new details about missing 1960s murderer Sharon Kinne.
Sharon Kinne被控在1960年代犯有三起谋杀案,1969年从墨西哥监狱失踪。 Sharon Kinne, charged with three murders in the 1960s, vanished from a Mexican prison in 1969. 她被指控杀害她的丈夫、男朋友的妻子和她在墨西哥遇到的男子。 She was accused of killing her husband, her boyfriend's wife, and a man she met in Mexico. Kinne的逃跑至今仍是个谜 Kinne's escape has remained a mystery until now. 密苏里州当局准备举行记者招待会, 揭露她失踪事件的新细节, Authorities in Missouri are set to hold a news conference to reveal new details about her disappearance, aiming to provide closure to the victims' families and the public.