J.B. Hunt Transport Services在阿肯色州开通了一座40英亩的太阳能设施,以抵消其80%的用电量。 J.B. Hunt Transport Services unveils a 40-acre solar facility in Arkansas to offset up to 80% of its power usage.
J.B. Hunt Transport Services在阿肯色州Gentry建造了一座40英亩的太阳能设施,配有近18 000个太阳能电池板,以抵消阿肯色州Lowell的三个主要建筑的80%的用电量。 J.B. Hunt Transport Services has built a 40-acre solar facility in Gentry, Arkansas, with nearly 18,000 solar panels to offset up to 80% of power usage in its three main buildings in Lowell, Arkansas. 该设施由NextEra Energy管理,由Verogy完成,每年将生产约930万千瓦时,足以为近1 200户家庭供电,减少排放量,相当于每年从公路上清除1 400辆汽车。 The facility, managed by NextEra Energy and completed by Verogy, will produce about 9.3 million kWh annually, enough to power nearly 1,200 homes and reduce emissions equivalent to removing 1,400 cars from the road yearly. 这一倡议支持J.B.Hunt的目标,即到2034年将碳排放量减少32%。 This initiative supports J.B. Hunt's goal to reduce carbon emissions by 32% by 2034.