i 紧急推出了四个新的仪表板,帮助放款人分析贷款和房地产数据。 iEmergent introduces four new dashboards aiding lenders in analyzing loans and real estate data.
i 紧急启动了四个新的市场情报仪表板,以帮助贷方分析和预测贷款生产、不动产清单和人口数据。 iEmergent has launched four new market intelligence dashboards to help lenders analyze and forecast loan production, real estate listings, and demographic data. 这些仪表板是抵押市场智能平台的一部分,使银行、信用社和IMB能够查明增长机会并改进战略。 The dashboards, part of the Mortgage MarketSmart platform, allow banks, credit unions, and IMBs to identify growth opportunities and improve strategies. 特点包括可定制的数据可视化和通过电子邮件或导出方便共享选项。 Features include customizable data visualizations and easy sharing options via email or export. 这些工具侧重于贷款官员简介、出贷市场份额、房地产代理商数据以及建筑商生产洞察力。 The tools focus on loan officer profiles, lender market share, real estate agent data, and builder production insights.