GSMA警告巴基斯坦延迟的频谱拍卖到2030年可能耗资18亿美元的GDP。 GSMA warns Pakistan's delayed spectrum auction could cost $1.8 billion in GDP by 2030.
伊斯兰市场联盟警告说,如果巴基斯坦即将进行的频谱拍卖因储备价格高而推迟,到2030年,巴基斯坦的国内生产总值可能会损失18亿美元。 The GSMA warns that Pakistan could lose $1.8 billion in GDP by 2030 if its upcoming spectrum auction is delayed due to high reserve prices. 本组织建议制定保守价格,使用当地货币,并提供支付灵活性。 The organization advises setting conservative prices, using local currency, and offering payment flexibility. 过去拍卖的无名频谱减缓了4G的推出速度,并损失了3亿美元的经济成本。 Unsold spectrum from past auctions has slowed the 4G rollout and cost the economy $300 million. GSMA强调拍卖应侧重于加强数字基础设施,而不是最大限度地增加政府收入。 The GSMA stresses that the auction should focus on enhancing digital infrastructure rather than maximizing government revenue.