由于经济问题和价格上涨,拉各斯的每日牛屠宰从5 000头下降到3 000头。 Daily cow slaughters in Lagos drop from 5,000 to 3,000 due to economic issues and rising prices.
尼日利亚拉各斯每日宰杀的奶牛数量已从5 000头下降到3 000头, The number of cows slaughtered daily in Lagos, Nigeria, has fallen from 5,000 to 3,000 due to socio-economic issues like Boko Haram insurgency, inflation, and currency problems. 牛的价格上涨,现在在160万到170万之间,也降低了牛肉的需求。 Rising cow prices, now between ₦1.6 million and ₦1.7 million, have also decreased beef demand. 拉各斯屠夫协会呼吁与政府和农民合作,以确保可持续的工业,同时指出,气候和环境因素也影响到养牛。 The Lagos Butchers Association calls for collaboration with the government and farmers to ensure a sustainable industry, noting that climate and environmental factors are also affecting cattle rearing.