芝商所(CME Group)在投资者活动喜忧参半的情况下提高股息并宣布回购计划。 CME Group boosts dividend and announces buyback plan amid mixed investor activity.
芝商所(CME Group)在第四季度的投资活动喜忧参半,一些投资者减持了YHB Investment和Wetzel Investment等股票,而富兰克林资源(Franklin Resources)等其他投资者则增持了股份。 CME Group saw mixed investment activities in Q4, with some investors reducing holdings like YHB Investment and Wetzel Investment, while others like Franklin Resources increased their stakes. 该公司宣布将股息提高到每股 5.80 美元,并实施 30 亿美元的股票回购计划。 The company announced a higher dividend of $5.80 per share and a $3 billion stock buyback program. 芝商所的市值为 853.9 亿美元,市盈率为 24.92,分析师给予其“持有”评级,目标价为 229.27 美元。 CME Group has a market cap of $85.39 billion, a P/E ratio of 24.92, and analysts give it a "Hold" rating with a target price of $229.27.