Clorox报告收入和收入增长强劲,Robeco的股份大大增加。 Clorox reported strong earnings and revenue growth, with Robeco increasing its stake significantly.
Robeco机构资产管理B.V.在Clorox的股份增加了49.0%,而其他投资者则对其股份进行了各种调整。 Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. increased its stake in Clorox by 49.0%, while other investors have made various adjustments to their holdings. Clorox报告收入丰厚,每股1.86美元,预期破灭,收入增长27%。 Clorox reported strong earnings of $1.86 per share, beating expectations, and a 27% increase in revenue. 公司股票的市场上限为19.55亿美元,机构投资者拥有股票的78.53%。 The company's stock has a market cap of $19.55 billion, with institutional investors owning 78.53% of the stock. Clorox将在2月14日支付每股1.22美元的股息,年收益为3.09%。 Clorox will pay a dividend of $1.22 per share on February 14, with an annualized yield of 3.09%. 该公司通过四个部分运作:健康与福祉、家庭、生活方式和国际。 The company operates through four segments: Health and Wellness, Household, Lifestyle, and International.