Bob Mpinganjira被任命为马拉维俱乐部 " 万能流浪者 " 2025季的首席教练。 Bob Mpinganjira appointed as head coach of Malawian club Mighty Wanderers for 2025 season.
Bob Mpinganjira被任命为马拉维足球俱乐部“万能漫游者”2025季总教练。 Bob Mpinganjira has been appointed as the head coach of Malawian football club Mighty Wanderers for the 2025 season. Mpinganjira是一位前运动员, 成为临时教练, 得到俱乐部领袖的支持, Mpinganjira, a former player turned interim coach, has the backing of the club's leadership for his deep understanding of Malawian football and the club's culture. 为期一年的协议给予他选择技术团队的自由,并将重点放在队伍发展上,而没有立即的绩效压力。 The one-year deal gives him the freedom to choose his technical team and focus on squad development without immediate performance pressure. 俱乐部希望这项任命能在即将到来的比赛中带来稳定与成功。 The club hopes this appointment will bring stability and success in upcoming competitions.