Block Fills 和 CoinDesk Indicos 在广泛的数字资产指数上推出选项, 范围扩大到Bitcoin 和 Etheum 之外。 BlockFills and CoinDesk Indices launch options on a broad digital asset index, expanding beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum.
BlockFills 和 CoinDesk Indices 合作推出 CoinDesk 20 指数期权,迎合寻求比特币和以太坊以外的多样化数字资产产品的机构投资者。 BlockFills and CoinDesk Indices have partnered to launch options on the CoinDesk 20 Index, catering to institutional investors seeking diverse digital asset products beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum. 2024年1月推出的CoinDesk 20指数已经交易了128亿多美元。 The CoinDesk 20 Index, launched in January 2024, has already traded over $12.8 billion in volume. 此举旨在将专业流动性和风险管理工具带入成熟的数字资产市场。 This move aims to bring professional liquidity and risk management tools to a maturing digital assets market.