空中交通管制处的录音记录提供了对华盛顿附近飞机坠毁前后的瞬间的了解。 Audio recordings from air traffic control offer insights into the moments before and after a plane crash near Washington.
空中交通管制录音已发布,记录了华盛顿附近飞机坠毁前后的关键时刻。 Air traffic control audio recordings have been released, capturing the critical moments before and after a plane crash near Washington. 这些录音可以深入了解飞行员和空中交通管制员之间在事件发生之前和事件发生之后的通信情况。 The recordings provide insights into the communication between the pilots and the air traffic controllers leading up to the incident and the immediate aftermath. 当局正在利用这一信息协助其调查。 Authorities are using this information to aid in their investigation.