VR资源份额价格猛涨40%,达到0.07科多巴元,市场上限为844万科多巴元。 VR Resources' share price surged 40% to C$0.07, reaching a market cap of C$8.44 million.
矿产勘探公司VR资源 (CVE:VRR) 的股价周二升40%至0.07加元, 市值为844万加元. VR Resources (CVE:VRR), a mineral exploration firm, saw its share price jump 40% to C$0.07 on Tuesday, trading at a market cap of C$8.44 million. 该公司在美国和加拿大勘探稀土金属、铜、银、黄金和钻石,与平均水平相比,交易量下降了7%。 The company, which explores for rare earth metals, copper, silver, gold, and diamonds in the U.S. and Canada, experienced a 7% drop in trading volume compared to average levels. 其主要财产包括加拿大的Northway和Hecla-Kilmer REE索赔。 Its key properties include the Northway and Hecla-Kilmer REE claims in Canada.